Ethereum: How to use incoming Binance WebSocket data?

Using Binance Input Websocket with Ethereum

As a Developer, You Are Probable Seeking to Integrate Real -Time Market Data Into Your Applications. A Popular Solution is to use Binance’s API Websocets to Look for Data Received in real time. In this article, we will explore how to use the input web socket data to track ethereum prices.


Before you dive, make sure you have:

  • A binance account and a valid api key.

  • The Binance-JS Package Installed As A Dependence:NPM Install Binance-JS

  • Basic Knowledge or JavaScript and Websocket APIS.

Introduction to binance web sockets API **

To use Binance’s API Websockets, You Will Need:

  • Create an Api Key on the Binance website.

  • Get a Websocket URL Following the instructions in Binance Documentation.

For Ethereum Prices, We will use the Eth-Sapis' Package, which Provides a Simple and Convenient Way to Interact with the Ethereum Blockchain Websockets API.


For Starters, Install the Necessary Packages:


NPM Install Binance-JS ETH-AIS

Configuring the Websocket Connection

Here is an Example of How to Establish A Connection with Binance’s Endpoint Websocket:


Consta {web3} = Requires (‘Web3’);

Const Binance = Requires (‘Binance-JS’);

Conste apikey = ‘your_api_key’;

Const apisecret = ‘your_api_secret’;

Conste websockurl = ‘wss: //’;

Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider (Websockurl);

Consta Etapi = New Binance ({




// Example: Looking for Prices for the Ethereum Symbol

Etapi.get (‘EthusDprice’, Function (ERR, Answer) {

if (err) console.error (Err); // Replace with a Log Message of Your Choice

other {

Const price = answ.Price;

console.log (current price of the eth: $ {price});




In this example, we created an instance of the eth-sapis package and passed in our api key. Then we have a connection with the end of the binance web socket end using the web3 provider.

Analyzing Received Messages

Ethereum: How to use incoming Binance WebSocket data?

The Data Received is Sent as Messages in JSON Format About Websockets. To analyze these messages, you will need to use a library like ‘json-stringify-safe’. Here is an Example:


Consta {parsemessage} = Require (‘Json-Stringify-sur “);

// Example: Analyze Binance’s First Message (in This Case, A Price Update)

Etapi.get (‘EthusDprice’, Function (ERR, Answer) {

if (err) console.error (Err); // Replace with a Log Message of Your Choice

other {

Constites data = parsemessage (answer);

Consta {symbol, date and time record, price} = data;

console.log (Eth Price update Received at {Timestamp}: $$ {price});




In This Example, We use the Parsemsage 'function to Safely Analyze the Binance Entry Message.

Integrating in Your Application

To Integrate Our Websocket Connection Into Your App, You Will Need:

  • Create a Socket Event Listener for New Binance Messages.

  • Deal with Messages Received and Update Your Data Accordingly.

Here is an Example of how we can create a Simple Websocket Server Using theWSLibrary:


Conste websocket = Requires (‘WS’);

// Create a Socket Connection with Binance’s Website Endpoint

Const wss = New Websocket.server ({port: 8080});

wss.on (‘Connection’, (WS) => {

console.log (‘connected client …’);

// Deals with Binance Entry Messages

Ws.on (‘Message’, (Message) => {

Consta data = parsemessage (message);

if (Data && Data.Symbol === ‘Eth’) {

console.log (Eth Price update Received: $ {data.price});

} Other {

console.log (ignoring unknown symbol: $ {date. symbol});



// close the connection when disconnected

Ws.on (‘close’, () => {

console.log (‘disconnected client …

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