Ethereum: Implementing the data interface data streaming with drops with drops
As we strive to integrate various services and application signatures into existing systems, it is necessary to understand background concepts to ensure continuous performance. One of these services that has received significant attention lately is the interface of the Binance application, especially when it comes to information streaming. In this article, we will consider the implementation of a Goutine -based solution for Binance streaming API data consumption.
What is Ethereum?
Before we dive into the specific resources of this example, briefly present what Ethereum is. Ethereum (ETH) is an open -source decentralized platform that allows intelligent contracts and decentralized applications (DAP). The Ethereum network uses a consensus mechanism called Poske Proof (POS), which allows users to validate events and create new blocks without the need for mining.
Binance API and data streaming
Binance’s API provides real market information, including stores, orders and other relevant information. However, integrating this application signature into an existing system can be a complex task due to its large amount. The Binance streaming API is designed to process large amounts of data effectively, but requires appropriate processing and processing.
Using drops to transmit data
To implement the binance API current with the drops, we follow these steps:
- Install the required libraries : We use “synchronization/atomic” in shared variables in Atom and
http requests.
- Make a routine to deal with the flow of information : Create a GO routine that deals with each data point received at the Binance application interface.
Here is an example of the implementation of GO:
import (
“Synchronization/Atom” “
Write the binaneapi structure {
Customer *Binance-api-GO.v3.client
Alternatives: = & binance-api-go.oootions {
Mirikey: “Your_api_Key”,
Alcret: “Your_api_secret”,
Symbol: “BTC/USDT”,
C, Err: = binance-api-go.newclient (options)
If you err! = zero {
Log.fatal (ERR)
Return & Binanceapi {Customer: C}
FUNC (B Binanceapi) GETSTREAM () ( Sync.rwmutex, [] STRUCT {
Time stamp team
String Ordirid
the data structure {
Symbol of a rope
Write a string
}) {
Var stream *sync.rwmutex
Var orders [] [] structure {
Time stamp team
String Ordirid
the data structure {
Symbol of a rope
Write a string
Err: = B.Client.getStream (“Stream”, “BTC/USDT”, Func (Stream *Sync.rwmutex) Error {
stream.lock ()
postponed stream.unlock ()
Orders = Appendix (Orders, Structure {
Time stamp team
String Ordirid
the data structure {
Symbol of a rope
Write a string
} …)
If you err! = zero {
Log.fatal (ERR)
Stream = Atomic.Newint32 (0)
Return and power, orders
B: = newbinancei ()
Stream, _, err: = b.getStream ()
If you err! = zero {