Ethereum: EIP-712: practical usage of the verifyingContract in the eip712Domain structure

Ethereum EIP-712: Practical Usage of Verifying Contract


The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has introduced several security enhancements through the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP)-712, which provides a way to verify contract signatures. In this article, we will delve into the practical usage of the verifyingContract field in the eip712Domain structure and explore its potential applications.

What is Verifying Contract?

In EIP-721 and EIP-1559, verifying contracts were introduced as a way to authenticate contract signatures. The verifyingContract field is used to store information about the signature verification process for a given contract.

Practical Usage of Verifying Contract

The verifyingContract field in the eip712Domain structure has several practical uses:

  • Signature Verification: When calling the verify function, you can use the verifyingContract field to store the verification result and perform additional checks before proceeding with the contract execution.

  • Pre-Validation: You can use the verifyingContract field to pre-validate a specific section of code within your contract. This ensures that only valid contracts are executed.

Calling verify Function

Here is an example of how you can use the verifyingContract field:

contract MyContract {

function myFunction() public {

// Pre-validation: Verify the contract signature before execution

require(verifyContract("My Contract", "My Function") == 1, "Signature verification failed");

// Execute the contract code

MyContractStorage storage instance = MyContractStorage(addressOf(instance));




In this example, we call the verifyContract function and pass the contract address and function name as arguments. The return value of the verifyContract function is used to pre-validate the code before execution.

Usage of verifyContract

The verifyContract function has several parameters that can be used to customize its behavior:

  • contractAddress: The address of the contract being verified.

  • functionName: The name of the function being called within the contract.

  • hash: A hash of the contract’s bytecode.

You can use these parameters to pre-validate specific code blocks and perform additional checks before execution.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how you can use the verifyContract function:

function myFunction() public {

// Pre-validation: Verify the contract signature before execution

require(verifyContract(addressOf(MyContract), "myFunction") == 1, "Signature verification failed");

// Execute the contract code

MyContractStorage storage instance = MyContractStorage(addressOf(instance));



In this example, we call the verifyContract function with the address of our contract and the name of the function being called within the contract.


The verifyingContract field in the eip712Domain structure provides a robust way to verify contract signatures and pre-validate specific code blocks. By using this feature, you can ensure the security and integrity of your Ethereum-based contracts. While it’s essential to follow best practices for secure coding, the use of verifyingContract can be a valuable addition to your contract design.


When implementing the verifyingContract field in your EIP-712 domain structure:

  • Use it consistently

    Ethereum: EIP-712: practical usage of the verifyingContract in the eip712Domain structure

    : Make sure you use the verifyingContract field throughout your contracts and functions.

  • Store verification results: Store the verified result of the verifyContract function to perform additional checks before execution.


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