Event pipeline: Why do RPC nodes have preference to SERANA
In the extensive decentralized application ecosystem (DAPP) built in the Blockchain of Sion, understanding the life cycle of events is crucial for developers and users. One aspect that is usually forgotten or misunderstood is why events go through the series of us before their destination – in this case, Valaloja. In this article, we explore the details of Solana’s transaction tube, examining why the remote processing call (remote processing call) will have priority.
Creation of the transaction process
When the user interacts with the DAPP on the Sorana network, he starts the event by sending the message “Create Transuits” to Sorna -blockchain. This message is sent to all available RPC nodes, responsible for validation and processing of events in real time.
Event certification phase
When the event reaches the RPC node, it goes through the certification phase. The node ensures that the sender has enough funds, meet the necessary requirements (for example, age) and check the problems of the event itself. This ensures that only valid and reliable events are treated.
At this point, the knot is not yet ready to execute or validate the event alone; It is still in the process of revision of the event.
This means that RPC nodes first receive the event before all validators (also known as “validators” or “oraaklit”).
Transaction acceptance phase
After certification, the node continues during the approval phase. The node verifies if the approved event is valid and meets all the necessary conditions. If so, the knot confirms that the event was actually implemented in favor of a valid. This confirmation is stored in the Chain of Blocks of SERANA as part of the transaction history.
Event event
At this point, the knot confirmed and accepted the event successfully. The next step includes the event in the block chain. In the case of validators, they are responsible for saving a copy of the event to their own blockchain. As the RPC nodes have already received and dealt with the event (check and approval), the event does not need to codify or sign again.
Last Step: Validator Intervention
When the valaloja is absent in the event process, they can edit the event by adding new information or performing all necessary updates. In this case, the Valider receives the RPC node for certified and approved events and executes it with its own blockchain. Validator changes are then compromised with Sona’s blockchain.
In short, events flow through various knots in a certain order before destination – validating. This pipeline ensures that:
- Certification : The sender is confirmed and meets the necessary requirements.
- Action
: The event is held at Blockchain when all changes to Validatists are committed to the Sorana blockchain.
Understanding this transaction tube can help developers project more efficient and scalable applications on the SERANA network. Observing the roles of the nodes, validators, and RPC checking process, users can sail better in the ecosystem and make conscious decisions when building or interacting with Sorna -blockchain Dapps.